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The MADCaP Data Access Approvals Committee (DAAC) is divided into two groups: MADCaP Africa and MADCaP US and each are comprised of PIs who will contribute, or facilitate the contribution of, data and/or biospecimens to the network. There is one member from each collaborating institutions and members were chosen to represent a range of expertise and representation from each contributing Institution.



MADCaP Africa Data Access Approvals Committee (DAAC)


37 Military Hospital: Ben Adusei

Albert Einstein College of Medicine: Ilir Agalliu

Columbia University: Judith Jacobson

Dana-Farber Cancer Institution: Tim Rebbeck

Gueye Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital: James E Mensah
Institute de Formation et de Recherche en Urologie (IFRU-SF): Serigne Magueye 

National Cancer Institute: Michael Cook

Stanford University: Ann Hsing

University of Abuja Teaching Hospital: Oseremen Aisuodionoe-Shadrach
University of Ibadan: Akin Adebiyi

University of Pennsylvania: Priti Lal
University of Stellenbosch: Pedro Fernandez
Wits Health Consortium: Elvira Singh



MADCaP US Data Access Approvals Committee (DAAC)


Boston Medical Center: Gretchen Gignac
Boston University: Josh Campbell
Case Western Reserve University: Jennifer Cullen

Dana-Farber Cancer Institution: Tim Rebbeck
Kings County Hospital Center: Jason Gonsky
Moffitt Cancer Center: Kosj Yamoah
SUNY Downstate Medical Center: Raavi Gupta
Thomas Jefferson University: Grace Lu-Yao
University of California, San Francisco: Franklin Huang

University of Pennsylvania: Priti Lal


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Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Use of MADCaP is subject to our terms of use and our privacy policy.

MADCaP Network
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
450 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

Supported by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

MADCaP is grant-funded by the National Cancer Institute

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